Today was the first time I went running in the dark. I work most every morning at 7 a.m., which means I have to wake up around 4:30 to run before work. For those of you paying attention, that means I'm running roughly 4-5 miles before the sun even begins to rise. I know its more of a mental thing, but when the metaphor for how early it is surrounds you, its a little much.
Outside of the darkness, it had rained the night before. In order for non-Huntington, WV residents to appreciate exactly what this means, I need to explain the horrible drainage system in Huntington. There are places on Huntington sidewalks that are like geographic anomalies. They appear to be the same level as the rest of the sidewalk, and yet, there's a huge puddle there. How exactly does that happen?
With that said, in the dark, these puddle are like snipers. There's no way I can see them coming and then they get me. My feet get wet, it splashes up to my clothes, its not a good time for anybody.
However, for all the bad that come with running before the sun rises, there's a lot of good. There's something about being the only one awake in town that causes you to lose any inhibitions. There were so many times throughout my morning run that I felt like I were performing the songs in my headphones, which made the run go by so much faster.
Also, there is literally nothing better to give you energy in the morning then some cardio and a shower. For the first time in months, I really felt like I was ready for my day when I left my house. Hear that coffee, we're through!
In conclusion, I'm going to continue running before work, provided I can get up early enough, but it is not going to be every day. I'm going to savor the days I can sleep in and run with the sun shining down on me. It's also nice to know that my sleeping habits have evolved so much that sleeping until 9 a.m. is considered "sleeping in" to me.
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