Now that I've covered cardio, its time to cover the strength training portion of the Booster Gold workout. He had to get those abs somehow! As I've stated previously, one big goal of the workout programs I've come up with are to be as cheap as possible (primarily free). I realize that not all of us can afford a gym membership and tons of equipment, I've continued this trend with the weight training.
A few years back I heard about this website called One Hundred Push-Ups. Its focus is that by the end of the six week training program, you'll be able to do, you guessed it, 100 push-ups without stopping. After thinking about the kind of training I wanted to do for my quest towards super hero-dom, I knew this should be a part of it. Upon going to the site, I'd realized that the folks over at One Hundred Push-Ups have expanded since last I'd checked them out. They now have programs for Two Hundred Sit-Ups, Two Hundred Squats and a few more.
After this discovery, I had already put together my strength training program. The way these programs are set up involve six sets of the exercise in question with breaks in between. My hybrid program, involving push-ups, squats and sit-ups, is non-stop strength training alternating the sets of specific exercises. This allows a rest period for the body parts involved, without forcing my body to rest and losing that precious, extra, cardio.
Now that I've done this program for a couple weeks, I will warn you. This method gets really intense the farther you go. My most recent workout was Week 2, Day 2 and by the end of it I was sweating buckets. I was able to complete it, but I was near the end of my rope endurance-wise. I think this program will work, but in the very near future, its going to get much harder for me.
I do this program three times a week as instructed. Its very important to follow the program exactly so you don't over, or under, work yourself. By the end of this program I'll be able to do 100 push-ups, 200 squats and 200 sit-ups, this will drastically increase my strength, and with any luck, the appearance of muscles.
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