Monday, November 1, 2010

Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen

Recently DC comics debuted a backup feature in Action Comics starring Jimmy Olsen. Whether you're a Jimmy fan or not, I'm excited for this feature for two big reasons. 1) I feel that writer Nick Spencer will bring the fun back to comics with the help of Mr. Olsen and 2) This comic features the DC Universe Debut of my favorite Superman Universe character, Chloe Sullivan.

To address my first point, I have high hopes for his comic. In recent years, we've seen the deaths Captain America and Batman, a very clear image of Wonder Woman killing a man and the near Genocide of a new group of Kryptonians. Its time for a comic that doesn't have all that drama going on. Reading about Jimmy taking down a pack of evil cats, or whatever, could be a nice change of pace. That's the great thing about Jimmy Olsen as a character, he doesn't have a ton of baggage. He's a photographer that knows Superman and ends up getting himself into trouble, that's pretty much it. And that's all we need.

In this first issue, we catch up with Jimmy after the events of War of the Supermen. He's in a little bit of a rut, now that the big S has gone on a PR trip around the world and isn't really able to protect his little buddy at his beckon call. It is written very cleverly in that the narration and the dialog has a tit-for-tat kind of relationship. I'd never seen this done before, but it works perfectly. We meet a new cast of supporting characters, including Jimmy's very own arch-nemesis, a big-shot Lexcorp exec which prompts possibly the best quote of the comic, "Right, that's what I'm saying. Lexcorp. . . . Being good at your job there means being bad at your soul."

And while we're talking supporting characters, let's not pretend like this comic is going to be anything but:

Chloe Sullivan is possibly one of the best characters created by a comic-based T.V. show, maybe ever, at least a close tie with Harley Quinn. She is essentially a blonde, unparalyzed Oracle that is Superman's bestie that talks in Buffy-speak. I'm sure the character in Action Comics isn't quite the Chloe we've all grown to love over the years, but we'll get there. I'm sure Superman writers have been watching Smallville waiting for the day they get to play around with this amazing character. This introduction is possibly the biggest thing this feature will accomplish. Whether this particular comic lasts or not, Chloe Sullivan is now firmly placed in the DC Universe. I'm very excited for what this could mean for me, the reader.

Best of all, comixology has a free preview of the 10-page backup feature. Be sure to check it out, unless you hate fun of course.

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